I am a 4 month old Saluki X puppy.
I was born in one of the abandoned cars on the streets of Doha/Qatar.
We were with 12. Me my mother and my brothers and sisters.
There was a good man, who fed us all the time. He take care of us all.
He vaccinated all 12 of us.
We lived in that car and he always take care of us. But the good man couldn’t adopt us.
In his absence, evil people came to our striven place and massacred my family.
I ran and ran and suddenly the evil people catch me with a fishing hook, and broke my jaw
They left me there barely alive.
The good man came back as always to give us food. But he found a massacre. He saved me.
I spent months in the veterinary clinic. I fought for my life
I had surgery.
I survived
Im Uchi
I am a very happy puppy now, full with love
Now it’s time to find my family..
Please Help me, and make my dreams come true